Historic site and monument

St Sauveur church

Ardèche ()

La Souche - L'église ©S.BUGNON

The church was built in the middle of the 14th century and was dedicated to Saint-Sylvestre and Saint-Sauveur, acts of 1391 and 1426 attest to these patronages. The communal church, which had become too small in the face of population growth, was enlarged in 1504. From then on, the building underwent many renovations afterwards, with the construction of numerous chapels, particularly after the works of 1715. The building crossed without significant incident the Revolution, the objects and old books coming from the collections being notably put in security. Faced with the heavy maintenance of the many chapels, the clergyman of La Souche from 1862 to 1882, Father Deydier, decided to completely destroy the church, then rebuild on the same site.

Inside the church, there are three altars and a large carved Christ in wood. Behind the main altar, on the vault of the choir, there is a large painting in which Jesus Christ is majestically represented and with an imposing stature.


Toute l'année : ouvert tous les jours (non communiqués).


Free access.

Contact et accès
07380 La Souche
Ardèche (7)

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La Souche ©S.BUGNON

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La Souche
La Souche - L'église ©S.BUGNON

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La Souche
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La Souche
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Historic site and monument
St Sauveur church

La Souche