Sowing or herbarium workshops and sensory walks at the Jardin des Cinq Sens


Sowing or herbarium workshops and sensory walks at the Jardin des Cinq Sens

The Garden of the Five Senses lets you discover all aspects of plants: touch, smell and marvel.
Inspired by the labyrinths of the Middle Ages, the garden is dedicated to the plant world. Along the paths, eight successive gardens reveal the secrets of plants: the Garden of Touch with its surprising textures, the Garden of Sight with its palette of colors, and the Alpine Garden and Medicinal Cloister.

A member of our team welcomes the class and guides them through the first part of the garden. Several themes can be explored, depending on your expectations and wishes: life in the Middle Ages, gardening, ecology...
The discovery quiz is followed by a fun visit in small teams: where is the pineapple-scented plant hiding? To find out, head for the Garden of Smell!
Each class is welcomed for a 1 to 1.5-hour visit, adapted to the age of the children and the educational project.

Before or after the visit, workshops allow you to go further and access another part of the garden closed to other visitors: the conservatory garden. An initial period of discussion and observation launches the workshop of your choice:

- the herbarium: each child collects a variety of leaves and puts them in a notebook according to the sensory interest of the plant. The raspberry will go into the Taste Garden and the lemon balm into the Smell Garden. The names of the plants are written down (or stuck on with stickers for the little ones). The herbarium can then be continued in the classroom, at home, and sometimes even for a lifetime!

- Sowing: this time, it's all about getting your hands dirty! Pots, gravel, soil and seeds... It's not rocket science. And yet, it's an essential part of feeding ourselves. Each child leaves with his or her own pot to watch over and decorate in the classroom or at home.


From 11/04 to 05/10.


From 01/09 to 05/10/2024
Child: from 7.50 €.

From 11/04 to 21/06/2025
Child: from 7.50 €.

1 free companion

Compris : Admission to the Garden of the Five Senses
A member of the team begins with an age-appropriate introduction to the garden: the garden, its uses, its inhabitants, the 5 senses...
The group is then divided into small teams, depending on the number of supervisors, to continue the visit with a quiz.

Non compris : 1 workshop of your choice: herbarium or seedling supplement (€130)

Contact et accès
Rue du Lac
74140 Yvoire
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French
À propos du séjour
  • 1 Jour(s)
  • Botanical, Fauna - flora, Environment, History, Gardening

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Sowing or herbarium workshops and sensory walks at the Jardin des Cinq Sens
