Snowy Mountain
In winter, landscapes are covered in a blanket of white and ecosystems adopt a new rhythm of life. Discovering mountain environments at this time of year is particularly conducive to raising awareness of the fragility of nature, and the reality of climate change in the mountains. During their stay, students discover the flora and fauna of our mountains, as well as the many facets of snow!
OuvertureDu 21/12/2024 au 20/03/2025
TarifsChild: from 346 €.
3 free companions
Compris : - Full board (+ snacks),
- local transport,
- accompaniment on outings by mountain guides/animators,
- daily cleaning,
- 3 accompanying persons free of charge.
Non compris : - transportation to and from school,
- the daily life team.
74470 Bellevaux
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
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