Saint Bonnet le Château, Characterful village

Combing(Putting on) majestically a headland richeux of the south point(headland) of the mounts of Forez, Saint-Bonnet-le-Château enjoys an exceptional panorama which extends of the plain of Forez in Massif Central, in Pilat and in the Alps.
This châtellenie comtale former(old) kept(preserved) a part(party) of the surrounding wall(speaker) of the strengthened village and aligns, along its paved alleys, bourgeois and aristocratic houses of the XVth and XVIth centuries.
The collegiate church, of Gothic style (at the beginning XVè-XVIème centuries) is remarkable by its scale and its sobriety.
Murals of an exceptional scale, executed near 1425, decorate the high church and the crypt.
St Bonnet-le-Château is also the cradle of the ball of steel and the exclusive place of manufacturing of the famous ball OBUT.
Several possibilities of visiting the Village of character of Saint-Bonnet-le-Château:
- Guided tours of the city by guides her(it) official - including the Collegiate church
- Free visits thanks to a guide of "paper" visit to be removed from the tourist office or from the Collegiate church
- Visits audio-told
All year round, daily.
TarifsFree access.
Contact et accès Le Bourg42380 Saint-Bonnet-le-Château
Loire (42)
Informations complémentaires
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