Rando Santé® (Healthcare Hiking)
Rando Santé®: Who is healthcare hiking for?
Nowadays, all the scientific evidence confirms that moderate forms of exercise, such as walking, bring a host of health benefits.
The target audience is any individual who is able to walk but who, because of their physiology, an illness or a mental health issue, are unable to walk at a "normal" pace.
- If you suffer, are in remission, or have recovered from an illness, you can ask your GP for a medical certificate stating that you are capable of hiking. The certificate will usually include your doctor's recommendations and any limitations.
- If you are under treatment, ask your GP for advice, bearing in mind that moderate exercise like hiking can be considered as an integral part of your healthcare programme alongside any medication you may be taking.
- If you are in good health but have been advised by your doctor to exercise regularly, this is a good way of breaking away from a sedentary lifestyle that can cause so many serious illnesses.
- If you feel lonely, lack confidence or just want to meet other people and share a little friendship, then don't hesitate. Joining a Rando Santé® club will do wonders to lift your spirits!
Whether you're lacking exercise, have poor physical ability or suffer from chronic illness, from now on you'll be in safe hands thanks to the Rando Santé® clubs.
All year round, every Monday between 1.45 pm and 4.30 pm.
TarifsPrices not available.
Contact et accès 364, Rue des Diamantaires38510 Vézeronce-Curtin
Isère (38)
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