Piscine Serge Buttet
The first pool has 4 lanes. It measures 25 x 10m. With its dimensions of 25 x 20 m and 8 lines of water, the second pool is equipped with a 175m² movable floor. This simple, durable system enables the same pool to offer a few centimetres of water for baby swimmers or a depth of 1.80 m for swimming. As for the deepest part of the pool, it reaches 3.40 m for divers.
In the same pool hall, the new bleachers can accommodate almost 500 people, ideal for sporting events. Approved by the Fédération Française de Natation (type M), the Serge Buttet pool can host top-level competitions, from regional to 1st national levels.
The pool is named after the seven-time French 100m butterfly champion (1974 - 1977).
From 04/09 to 04/07
Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 11.30 am and 1.50 pm. On Wednesday between 7 am and 3 pm and between 3 pm and 8 pm. On Friday between 7 am and 1.50 pm and between 5 pm and 8 pm. On Saturday between 2 pm and 7 pm. On Sunday between 8.30 am and 1 pm.
Adult: 3.50 to 5.30 €
Child (3-16 years): 1.80 to 2.60 €
Teenager: 2.20 to 3 €.
Free entry for children < 3 years.
26100 Romans-sur-Isère
Drôme (26)
Informations complémentaires

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