
Located in a preserved natural environment, Paléopolis is a theme park dedicated to palaeontology. A trip of 4 billion years is waiting for you with exhibitions, workshops, animations… Through exhibitions, you will discover the whole evolution of life with more than 300 fossils of species which inhabited the Earth with the famous T-Rex as a star. Varied workshops are offered to children to wear the shoes of a palaeontologist. Exhibitions with an important scientific content, a cinema, life-size dinosaurs, virtual reality and an optical theatre will provide you a unique experience. Novelties: the movie "Le monde perdu de la Limagne" offers a trip 23 million years ago, when the Limagne was a tropical land, and "Retour vers le passé", a 3D movie offering you a trip between past and present, sea and land, T-rex and Mosasaurus...
OuvertureFrom 05/04 to 04/05/2025
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 05/05 to 04/07/2025
Opening hours on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 05/07 to 31/08/2025
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 01/09 to 17/10/2025
Opening hours on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 18/10 to 02/11/2025
Opening hours daily between 10 am and 6 pm.
From 05/04 to 04/05/2025
Adult: 14 to 18 €
Child : 5 to 16 €.
From 05/05 to 04/07/2025
Adult: 14 to 18 €
Child : 5 to 16 €.
From 05/07 to 31/08/2025
Adult: 14 to 18 €
Child : 5 to 16 €.
From 01/09 to 17/10/2025
Adult: 14 to 18 €
Child : 5 to 16 €.
From 18/10 to 02/11/2025
Adult: 14 to 18 €
Child : 5 to 16 €.
Free entry for children < 3 years.
Child entry valid for 4 - 15 years.
Ateliers pour les 5 - 15ans inclus dans le prix d'entrée. Inscription obligatoire à l’entrée du parc selon place disponible.
Contact et accès Lieu-dit "Chazoux" - Route de Bègues03800 Gannat
Allier (3)
Informations complémentaires
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