Tourism institutions

Office de Tourisme Pays de Dieulefit-Bourdeaux - Bureau Annexe de Bourdeaux


Office de Tourisme  Pays de Dieulefit-Bourdeaux  - Bureau Annexe de Bourdeaux
OT Bourdeaux

Vente de cartes de randonnées, de bon plan à pied, à VTT à vélo


From 01/01 to 31/03
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10.30 am and 12 pm and between 2.30 pm and 5 pm.
Closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday.

From 01/04 to 30/06
Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 9.30 am and 12 pm and between 2.30 pm and 6 pm.
Closed Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

From 01/07 to 31/08
Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 12.30 pm and between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm.
Closed Wednesday and Sunday.

From 01/09 to 30/09
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 6 pm.
Closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday.

From 01/10 to 31/12
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10.30 am and 12 pm and between 2.30 pm and 5 pm.
Closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday.

Contact et accès
7, Place de l'Eglise
26460 Bourdeaux
Drôme (26)
Informations complémentaires
  • Wi-fi
  • Central availability system available
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
À proximité
Service providers

Activités à l’ermitage du Grand Bois

Le Poët-Célard
Festival Nouvelles du Conte - Elodie Mora : Poucet

Festival Nouvelles du Conte – Elodie Mora : Poucet

chambre d'hôtes les 3 Becs
Le Panicaut
Bed & breakfast

Le Panicaut – Chambres d’Hôtes

Le gîte des Sibourgs
Auberge Les Sibourgs
Group gîte

Le gîte des Sibourgs

Le restaurant
château du Poët-Célard
Traditional cooking

Le Restaurant du Château

Le Poët-Célard
Arienti Martine
Bed & breakfast

Arienti Martine

Le Minshuku
Ermitage du grand bois
Unusual accommodation

Le Minshuku

Le Poët-Célard
Vincent et Evelyne Libman
Nuits du Taris
Bed & breakfast

Vincent et Evelyne Libman

Le Château du Poët Cellard

Hôtel-Restaurant Château du Poët Celard

Le Poët-Célard
Gîtes des Hauches
Group gîte

Gîtes des Hauches

Santé dans la nature
contact nature
Sporting activities

Santé dans la nature

Petite évasion bohème en roulotte tirée par des chevaux
Drôme Roulottes Vacances

Your holidays in a horse-drawn caravan

Le Poët-Célard
Tourism institutions
Office de Tourisme Pays de Dieulefit-Bourdeaux - Bureau Annexe de Bourdeaux
