Sporting activities

Mini-musher course - 7h


Mini-musher course - 7h
Les traineaux de Yume

Course to become a “mini musher” in 7 hours:
At the end of the course, the child will have discovered the daily life of a musher:
- He will know how to take care of the dogs: Feeding, cleaning the park, brushing (50 min).

- Know the organization to be planned for a cani-ride or sled outing
(20 mins).

- Will have the knowledge of a musher: On the different breeds of sled dog, the origin of sled travel, the first whalebone sleds, today's equipment, the different types of training, the food dosages, animal welfare, pack management, the role of the alpha and the leader, equipment maintenance, dog training, their place on the team, musher knots, conditions physical, the different slides on snow, ice …: discussion during sled outings (4h).

- Will be able to put the harness on several dogs, and if necessary he will be able to make them calm thanks to authority & without violence for more ease.

- Will know how a hitch works and will therefore be able to place and hitch the right dog, according to its size, in the right place on the sled in complete autonomy.

- Will know the basic orders of my team and will be able to guide the dogs by voice.

- Know the 3 possible types of braking as well as all the safety rules.

- Will know the risks of feeding an animal in full effort, the veterinary emergencies that this can induce, how to avoid them while restoring energy to its companions.

- Participate in training and hiking outings alongside me (about 4 hours of sledding over the 7 hours).


From 15/12 to 31/03, daily.


One price: 350 € (for up to 45 kg).

Cani-ride 7-8 km
35 euro adult
30 euros child (up to 9 years old)
About 2h - 2h30 with break time

Cani-ride 10-11 km
42 euro adult
36 euros child (up to 9 years old)
About 2h45 - 3h15 with break time

Cani-ride 14-15 km
50 euro adult
43 euros child (up to 9 years old)
About 4h 4h30 with break time

Cani-ride 18-20 km: Plan the day
75 euro adult
64 euro child

Cani-ride baby 6 km (1h45)
35 € adult
30€ child 5-9 years old

Cani-ride sunset or full moon:
Tea + aperitif 50€ Adult.

Contact et accès
Lieu à définir au moment de l'inscription
74130 Mont-Saxonnex
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French
  • Interdis : Les chiens ne sont pas acceptés y compris les chiens d'aveugle.

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Sporting activities
Mini-musher course - 7h
