Meditative walk
This walk is not meant to lead somewhere but to find yourself.
Let's concentrate on what we are here and now.
The course of the session:
In order to walk with awareness of our senses and sensations, we will gently set our body in motion. We will be attentive to our steps, to the rhythm of our breathing, to the nature that is blossoming around us. Then, we will practice a gentle relaxation to fully savour our current state. The 3-hour walk will not present any difficulty in terms of distance or altitude.
Mountain leader, passionate about nature and wide open spaces, meditation practitioner for more than ten years, yoga graduate from the University of Lille, currently training as a ViniYoga teacher, I combine my skills and know-how to organise themed walks around art and well-being.
Sustainable tourismWe will connect with nature and with ourselves. We will let go of our tensions and worries of our daily life to welcome calm, relaxation and well-being. We will experience a deep renewal.
OuvertureFrom 01/07 to 01/09, daily.
Reservations required.
Single price: 30 €.
Contact et accès Centre Commercial Roche BérangerChamrousse 1750
38410 Chamrousse
Isère (38)
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