MaXi-Race du lac d'Annecy
The MaXi-Race du lac d'Annecy is an exceptional race in an exceptional environment! It is above all a sporting and human adventure, created “by runners, for runners”.
Imagine :
- More than 5,000 runners gathered from all over France and more than 40 countries.
- 300 people working to help organise the event and ensure its success.
- A demanding, highly technical and strenuous route offering breathtaking views of the lake.
- A multi-faceted event that requires all participants to show courage, respect for the environment and the ability to surpass themselves.
The Maxi-Race goes around Lake Annecy - via the mountains that surround it !
Several race formats are available to give athletes of all levels the opportunity to participate in this great celebration of trail running.
From Friday 30 May to Sunday 1st of June 2025.
Tarifs26 septembre : ouverture des inscriptions pour les groupes (à partir de 20 personnes), comités d'entreprises et clubs
11 octobre à 11h : ouverture des inscriptions tOur du Lac (100km solo ou relais)
11 novembre à 11h : ouverture des inscriptions pour le Demi tOur (42k), Quart de tOur (16k) et Shokz-Race (60k tracé des championnats d'Europe de trail 2024).
74000 Annecy
Haute-Savoie (74)