Maison Benoît Vidal
Sur Les Bois
We welcome you to our home for a culinary stroll "in the woods" through the expression of a territory.
With a capacity of around twenty diners, our restaurant guarantees an atmosphere on a human scale.
For your convenience, we offer private parking.
Born at the foot of the Pyrenees in Perpignan, Benoît Vidal has always been drawn to cooking.
With his passion, love and respect for nature
he makes the most of quality produce carefully selected from local producers.
A sensitive, authentic, creative and generous man, he makes a point of passing on his passion to his colleagues.
At just 50 years old, he feels right at home beside the peaceful waters of Lake Annecy.
He's starting a new cycle with new inspirations...
Giving meaning to the deep values that drive him.
As we are concerned about saving energy, we put in place rigorous practices to limit our consumption, whether in terms of lighting, cooking or the equipment we use. We have also chosen not to use tablecloths to reduce our environmental impact.
Waste sorting is of course an integral part of our day-to-day operations. We make a point of sorting all recyclable waste and we have set up a composting system to recover our organic waste, thus helping to reduce our rubbish and produce useful resources for nature.
We are also actively committed to local cuisine. We select our local suppliers and give priority to seasonal produce, thereby reducing our carbon footprint, particularly in terms of transporting goods. By supporting local producers, we are contributing to a sustainable and circular economy, while strengthening links with our region and guaranteeing our guests an authentic and environmentally-friendly gastronomic experience.
All year round.
Lunch: Wednesday to Sunday
For dinner: Wednesday to Saturday.
Adult menu: 74 to 215 €.
Gastronomic restaurant
"Jour de cuisine": €74 (lunch only).
"Graines d'eau": €195 (all lunches and dinners).
"Des sources aux racines": €215(all dinners and Saturday lunch).
"Sentier à fleur d'eau": €185 (vegetarian version, all lunches and dinners).
Sur Les Bois
74940 Annecy
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires

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