Organic Farming (AB)

Local products store: Bugey Côté Fermes

ZA de l'Ousson Est


A direct sales outlet with no intermediaries, which meets the specific requirements and obligations of this marketing method governed by - now European - standards, with a significant advantage for the consumer: direct contact with producers and "local consumption".

All members take part in the management and running of this collective sales outlet: they take it in turns to be on duty every half day.

List of products and producers :

Bread, honey and wine:
- "Le Pain de la Pierre", Pauline Thizy, 01260 Virieu-le-Petit: wood-fired bread
- "Les ruchers de l'Arvière", Frédérique Lantelme, 01260 Vieu: honey and honey products
- "Maison Fusillet", Evelyne, Henry and Sylvain Fusillet, 01300 Belley: Bugey wines.

Fruit and vegetables:
- "Les Jardins du Valromey", Claudio Bonnano, 01510 Saint-Martin-de-Bavel: small fruit and vegetables
- "Gaec Guilland des Plantaz", Gérald Martin, Pierre-Yves Guilland, Guillaume Achy and Francis Davoine, 01350 Flaxieu: orchard fruit and fruit sorbets.
- Étoile Verte", Catherine Balendreau, Guillaume Laffitte, Jean-François Thevenet and Thierry Perroud, 73310 Motz: local spirulina, aromatic and medicinal plants.
- "Vincent Gay", Vincent Gay, 38890 Saint Chef: vegetables.

- "Gaec Tétaz", Nicolas, Françoise and Solène Tétaz, 01300 Saint-Germain-les-Paroisses: cow's milk cheese and yoghurt.
- "Gaec Les 4 saisons", Christelle Grossiord and Stéphane Galleroz, 01110 Aranc: cow's milk cheese.
- "Chèvrerie la Ramaz", Annie and Olivier Brochet, 01110 Hauteville-Lompnes: goat's milk cheese, yoghurt and flan
- "Gaec de Philéo", Audrey Vieu and Philippe Chaminas, 01110 Hauteville-Lompnes: ewe's milk cheese.

Meat, poultry and snails:
- "Ferme de Beauretour",Sylvie et Philippe Moisan, 01300 Saint-Germain-les-Paroisses: eggs, veal, cereals and bread.
- "La Ferme de la Tour",Sylvie et Christophe Dagand, 01300 Maissignieu-de-Rives: pigs.
- "L'escargot du vignoble", Julien Dumait, 01300 Groslée-Saint-Benoît: pigs.
- "Preferme", Guillaune and Lamia Varoux, 01110 Thézillieu: beef.
- "Gaec de Fontenailles", Denis Nigoul and Maud Peter, 01110 Hostiaz: lamb.
- "Ferme Gaudet", Fabien Gaudet, 38490 Granieu: poultry.


Open all year round:
Tuesday to Thursday from 9am to 12:30pm and from 2pm to 7pm.
Friday and Saturday from 9am to 7pm.

Contact et accès
150 rue de L'Ousson
ZA de l'Ousson Est
01300 Belley
Ain (1)
Informations complémentaires
  • Parking nearby
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Titres restaurant (vouchers)
Type de produit
  • Honey products
  • Fresh and cut meats
  • Beers
  • Biscuits
  • Soft drinks
  • Fruits and derivative products
  • Cereals and derivative products
  • Chocolate
  • Snail
  • Foie gras
  • Cheese
  • Vegetables and by-products
  • Plants and derivative products
  • Saffron
  • Spirulina
  • Fish
  • Oil
  • Wines
  • Poultry and eggs
  • Animaux interdits
  • Organic Farming (AB)
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Organic Farming (AB)
Local products store: Bugey Côté Fermes
