La Tit' Mousse
rue de l Europe
Founded in 2019, Tit'Mousse brewery is a personal project born from a passion for good products and the land. The brewer, an epicurean by nature, has created a range of beers in his image, generous and tasty. For the production, the choice of raw materials is oriented towards local or regional productions to bring out the terroir. By appointment, you can visit the brewery and enjoy tastings. It is also possible to carry out workshops with or without recovery of the production. During opening hours, you can find the production for direct sale, you can also reserve your 20 litre barrels and the tapping machine for your festive events.
OuvertureFrom 01/01 to 31/12, every Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 4 pm and 7 pm.
TarifsFree of charge.
Contact et accès Brasserie La Tit'Mousse4 rue de l Europe
42410 Pélussin
Loire (42)
Informations complémentaires

Chambres d’hôtes de la Barge

Distillerie de Chavanay

La Terrasse de Nathalie

Domaine Verzier

Chez l’Artiste

Office de Tourisme du Pilat

Camping Bel’Epoque du Pilat

A l’ombre de l’olivier

Le Grand Noé

Les Vins de Vienne

Tâm à l’Affiche