
La Nuit des Ours - 9 août


La Nuit des Ours - 9 août

On the program for this Nuit des Ours: 5 shows!

Choreographic creation for 3 characters/dancers moving together or alone in the wilderness. By and with Romaine Cochet, Hugo Garnier, Marèva Luchini. Music (bells) Heidi Cochet What separates us/what binds us. Bodies play together with spaces and interstices. Perpetual to-ing and fro-ing. Creating gaps in the "still possible".

- MEKONG. The River of 9 Dragons by Anothaï Dance Company
With Yumi Célia taiko (Japanese drums) and Thô Anothaï (dance)
Rising in the snows of eastern Tibet, the Mekong flows through six countries: China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The choreographer crossed it at the age of 4 to escape his native Laos. As a reminder of the emigrants who crossed this natural frontier to find their freedom, Thô Anothaï invites us to join him on a journey through these snapshots of images, which are unveiled here as a modest yet confident tribute. It's a slow but intense crossing, a journey through sober, uncluttered contemporary hip hop dance, carried by the beat of Japanese drums.

- FORÊT by Armand Gatti. With Louis Berthélémy
Armand Gatti would have been 100 years old this year. A major French playwright, as a teenager he took part in the Resistance in Corrèze. Hidden away in a hollow in the middle of the forest, he began to build his life and his work. His entire life was devoted to writing. His theater was a violent poetic synthesis of love and commitment. Louis Berthélémy and Bruno Boussagol have put together a montage of significant texts.

- LA MAL COIFFÉE, Occitan and female vocal group. Featuring : Karine Berny, Myriam Boisserie, Marie Coumes, Laëtitia Dutech.
Music and text: Laurent Cavalié. La Mal Coiffée speaks out against all forms of domination: colonial, national, economic, media... With her polyphony and percussion, she tells us about our heritages and our particular histories. The Occitan language blazes forth, always on its feet, always singing, always ready to proclaim its solidarity, and to draw inspiration from popular emancipation and resistance the world over.

- L'homme qui plantait des arbres by Théâtre des Turbulences Ecological show for active spectators by Jean Giono
Direction and acting - Stella Serfaty Artistic collaboration - François Frapier with puppeteer and visual artist Ombline de Benque A superb ecological and humanist fable. A man on a long walk in the Alpes de Haute-Provence meets a shepherd. The shepherd lives alone in this hostile land. He plants trees. A hundred trees every day, without expecting anything in return. A few years later, forests of oak, beech, birch and ash appear... Water returned. Villages are repopulated. The barren wasteland has become a land full of life... The audience accompanies the story and becomes part of the story.

Arrival: around midnight
Hot wine with HoBo's, the 4 vagabond musicians from our mountains.

You choose your guide from one of the following five:
- Camille Sova - poet and writing workshop leader. Dreaming with Don Quixote: struggle and utopia... A mythical figure in literature, Don Quixote has lost none of his relevance today. A dreamer for some, a madman for others, he is the man who decides to live out his delusions as much as his desires. What can he teach us today about living in a world that's falling apart?
- Nathalie Agenmuller - Mountain guide
Women's resistance: involvement with Mountain Wilderness. Awareness of the associated environmental objectives and political obstacles. What is a Schéma de Cohérence Territoriale in the Mont-Blanc-Arve-Giffre region? What does the future hold?
- Agnès Prudhomme - Geologist. Strolling among the stones Birth of geology. How have people been interested in the earth since antiquity? Why is the Earth habitable? What do we walk on? Why our mountains? The 6th extinction?
- Hélène Altherr - Pharmacist and expert in natural & functional health. At Vallorcine's paleo table. Where to eat in Vallorcine before agriculture and livestock farming? What's left of our ancestral genetics: are you a gatherer or a hunter? Or maybe half-fish half-mammoth?
- Charlotte Carpentier - Doctoral student in geography
Red beasts or the silent struggle of creatures in the face of the death industry.


Friday 9 August 2024 between 6.30 pm and 11.30 pm.


Full price: 20 to 25 €.

Contact et accès
La Couttetat, Chef Lieu
74660 Vallorcine
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French

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La Nuit des Ours - 9 août
