La Grange de Na
Lieu-dit Appregnin
Nadège has been working at Saint Germain les Paroisses since 2021. The viticultural practices follow the specifications of organic farming, with certification due in 2024! The only input tolerated during vinification is sulphur in small doses (max 50mg/l SO2 Total), the rest is a matter of adapting to the vintage with multiple oenological practices. Finally, as the best waste is the waste we don't produce, Nadège has opted for a classic bottle for her first vintages, with labels that are easy to wash and a cardboard box that doesn't use tape.
It can be folded and unfolded, so it's easy to keep, and she recycles it for another life.
From 02/01 to 30/12, daily.
Contact et accès 48 rue du lavoirLieu-dit Appregnin
01300 Saint-Germain-les-Paroisses
Ain (1)
Informations complémentaires

Domaine de Pacotille – Producteur de vin

Restaurant L’Auberge de Contrevoz

Site d’envol de parapente d’Innimond

Patrimoine de la commune de Contrevoz

Paleoecological museum of Cerin