La Benjianne
Book ahead for table d'hôte meals eaten with the family, featuring local dishes and home-grown produce.
3 comfortable, self-contained guest rooms, including one on ground floor. Lower rates for 2 or more nights.
We are members of the 'écohébergeurs' (eco-accommodation) Biovallée® network. Faced with climatic and environmental challenges, this network has built itself up around the shared values of ecology, solidarity and resilience. We decided to organise our activities around the practice of sustainable tourism and we collectively commit ourselves to a tourist welcome and experience which respects the environment, biodiversity and the local population. Our heartfelt aim is to provide our guests with holidays which make sense and which transmit our practices linked to ecological change.
OuvertureFrom 01/05 to 30/09.
TarifsFrom 04/11/2023 to 25/10/2024
One person: 72 €
Two people: 82 €
Three people: 102 €
Meal: 27 €.
From 26/10/2024 to 31/10/2025
One person: 75 €
Two people: 85 €
Three people: 115 €
Meal: 28 €.
26400 Chabrillan
Drôme (26)
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