Hikes Accessible to all with Passe-Mont'Âne
I work in partnership with La Buen’Aventure, a local organisation that specialises in making walks accessible to people with reduced mobility. Together we design itineraries and mountain treks using the strength of pack saddled donkeys and suitable equipment: one-wheeled joëlettes, all-terrain wheelchairs, sanitary tents, portable dry toilets, etc…
Host portraitI have always been a passionate mountain and wild life lover and today it means a lot to me to share with as many people as possible the benefits of connecting with animals and Nature. Thanks to the donkeys, the mountain becomes accessible to all!
Sustainable tourismDonkeys are circumspect, affectionate and willing animals to those who listen to them. Take time to observe and understand it and you will make a friend. When it is at the centre of attention, it touches everybody and fosters a caring and friendly atmosphere, rich in exchanges ! Everyone should have the opportunity to experience it !
OuvertureFrom 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
TarifsTarifs sur demande.
Contact et accès 2363 route de Grimone26410 Glandage
Drôme (26)
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