Hicking : Feathered beasts
Using our spotting scopes, find out about the unknown diversity.
You will be able to see them as never before.
We'll also have time to talk about their way of life and the strategies they use.
Children up to 18 years. 10% discount for families of 6. Transport by minibus, snowshoes, poles and rucksack provided. Plus observation equipment and photo opportunities.
Host portraitMathias has been a freelance mountain leader in the Giffre valley for over 15 years, offering a variety of themed outings for all ages in summer and winter to help visitors discover the natural heritage of the Alps. A naturalist with a passion for observation, he offers walks based on the discovery of local flora and fauna. He was lucky enough to publish "Quelques oiseaux des montagnes" (Some mountain birds) with actes sud.
Sustainable tourismTransportation by minibus and carpool
Supply of ecocups for wild infusions.
Environmental awareness
Waste management
From 01/05 to 31/10/2025
Opening hours daily between 8 am and 6 pm.
Adult: 30 €
Child (5-18 years): 25 €.
74440 Mieussy
Haute-Savoie (74)
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