
Circuit "Autour du Lac de Sarrans"


Rocher de Turlande
BT Pierrefort

Touristic tour by car.

Departure from the church of Paulhenc, in direction of the peninsula of Laussac. Turn left just after the church in the direction of Turlande for a round trip. Access to the site with its chapel and the rock which dominates the Gorges of Truyère. Very beautiful point of view on the pink quartz rocks and on the Lake of Sarrans.

Go back on your steps to go down by the D 34 to the Devèze, a life center for handicapped adults.
Cross the suspension bridge of La Devèze to stroll on the Presqu'Ile de Laussac with its small romantic village and its beach at the end of the peninsula (supervised swimming in July and August).

Continue on the left in the direction of Brommat and drive about 5 km. Turn left and arrive at the Barrage de Sarrans. Before the building, you will find
information panels on the left.
Continue along the road that crosses the dam, and reach the Belvédère du Bousquet. A stop is necessary to discover the breathtaking view of the Sarrans Lake, the crown of the dam, the hydroelectric power station and the Truyère Valley. Take advantage of the information on hydroelectricity, the fauna around the dam (NATURA 2000 site) and a picnic area.

Go up to Cantoin on the D98 and turn left towards Vines (classified as a "Remarkable Site of France and Europe", beautiful view of the Cantal massif, Maison de la Cabrette).

Join the D49 in the direction of the Pont-de-Tréboul (be careful for motor homes, the road is very narrow until the pont-de-Tréboul). This bridge spans the Truyère in a very wild setting. Under the water, the old bridge of Tréboul, registered since 1927 as a Historic Monument, is only visible during the periodic emptying of the river.
Go up by the D56 to the village of Sainte-Marie, a magnificent village perched on the heights of the Truyère Gorges. You will be able to admire its church with its combed bell tower, its houses, and its beautiful square of lime trees.
A small bucolic road leads you to Oradour. Take advantage of a stop to visit its church and discover a magnificent painting of the famous Mexican painter
Juan Rodriguez Juarez and the beautiful sculpted crosses located in the village.

Return to Pierrefort.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


All year round.

Subject to snow conditions.


Free access.

Contact et accès
Départ église de Pauhenc
15230 Paulhenc
Cantal (15)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French
  • Pets allowed
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 150 min
À propos de la randonnée
  • Type : Boucle
  • Dénivelé positif : 1195 m
  • Dénivelé négatif : 1184 m
  • Distance : 64 Km
  • Length : 2H30
  • Passages délicats : Attention camping-cars: Route très étroite entre Vines et le Pont de Tréboul. Restez vigilants !

Ça peut vous intéresser

La Chapelle

Turlande chapel

Hameau de gîtes - Paulhenc

Hameau de gîtes – Paulhenc

À proximité
Village de Saint-Martin-sous-Vigouroux
Bureau de Tourisme de Pierrefort

Hike From Feydols to Buzers

Vue dans les gorges de la Truyère
Bureau de Tourisme de Pierrefort
Natural wonder

Rocher de Turlande

Chapelle de Planchis à Pierrefort
B. Dussuelle
Historic site and monument

Chapelle de Planchis à Pierrefort

Gîte de séjour La Grange Salat
Group gîte

Gîte de séjour La Grange Salat

Vue sur le bourg de Pierrefort
Brigitte Dussuelle
Historic site and monument

Pierrefort, a mountain market town

Extérieur du restaurant
Hôtel de la Poste St.Martin
Traditional cooking

Hôtel-Restaurant de la Poste

Location VAE
Saint-Flour Co
Sporting activities

VTTAE – VTCAE rental in the Pierrefort area

Salle de restaurant
Restaurant du Midi Pierrefort
Gastronomic restaurant

Hotel-Restaurant du Midi

Entrée de l'hôtel
Hôtel du Midi
Hotel - restaurant

Hotel du Midi

Eglise de Saint-Martin extérieur
B. Dussuelle
Historic site and monument

Saint-Martin-sous-Vigouroux’s Church

On joue...
Bruno Bos
Sports and leisure

European championship of square boules

Pont de Tréboul
Joël Ramadier

The Truyère Gorges an Sarrans lake

Circuit "Autour du Lac de Sarrans"
