Castles and crest path

Many panoramas on the Haute Bourbre valley and the Bugey summits, from Chartreuse to Avant Pays Savoyard, await you on this path full of rich hertiage discoveries. Cottages with adobe walls and typical dauphinois roofs, strong hold Houses and castles will offer you some breathtaking views and nice breaks along this sporty loop.
From the SNCF train station of Virieu-sur-Bourbre (Lyon / Grenoble line), follow the yellow marks and the following crossroads:
Beauregard > Le Luteau > Chardenouse > Radio-balise > Châtaignier de Bourrique > Grand Blandin > Château de Molinière > Blandin > Combe Mounard > Les Tournelles > Le Trêve > Virieu > Retour : gare SNCF
All year round, free access.
TarifsFree access.
Contact et accès Gare de Virieu sur Bourbre38730 Val-de-Virieu
Isère (38)
Informations complémentaires
Ça peut vous intéresser

Bistrot du Pin

La Gloriette

” la Cayonnière ” goat farm

La Guinguette

Virieu Castle

Les Enselmes

Le champ des Souches

Guest House “Poneys de la Durme”