Bureau des Guides de la Bérarde Meije Écrins
Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans - La Bérarde
We offer year-round services for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Training is a core concern for our team of guides, and the setting up of a mountaineering school in recent years will enable you to gain greater autonomy and safety at all levels. The guides' office also offers all-inclusive multi-day tours such as Tour des Ailefroides, Tour de l'Olan, Tour des Rouies...
Visitor alertFollowing the debris flows of 20/06/2024, access to La Bérarde is strictly forbidden by prefectoral decree.
OuvertureFrom 01/01 to 22/06, daily.
From 23/06 to 31/08/2024.
Closed Friday and Saturday.
From 01/09 to 31/12, daily.
Tous les tarifs des courses à l'engagement et de nos produits tout compris sur http://www.guidesberarde.com
le tarif guide journée est à 400€.
Contact et accès La Bérarde38520 Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans - La Bérarde
Isère (38)
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