Base VTT | Circuit 04 : The Col de la Croix de Millet by the volcano

Surrounded by the Cevennes greenhouses, the village of Jaujac, labeled "village of character", is nestled between the youngest volcano in Ardeche and long basaltic flows classified as a UNESCO World Geopark.
It arouses curiosity by the presence of several castles and fortified houses as well as by the unique beauty of its geosites.
From the Maison du Parc naturel régional des Monts d'Ardèche, venture on the coulée vive to discover the exceptional fauna and flora of the Ardèche heritage.
The route will take you to the village of Fabras, labeled "Village fleuri" where you can enjoy the view of the Tanargue massif as well as the Pic de Ladenne and Courcoussat.
All along your route, paths and calades will enhance your walk.
All year round.
TarifsFree access.
Contact et accès 50 allée Marie-Sauzet07380 Jaujac
Ardèche (7)
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Mountain bike routes base in Ardèche Sources et Volcans

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