Auberge Gîte La Praille


Guy Domain

The Auberge Gîte de la Praille guesthouse comprises of 20 beds located in 3 separate rooms. There is 1 room containing 4 beds another with 6 beds and a 3rd containing 10 beds. However, your reservation guarantees that you will be the sole occupant of the room no matter how many empty beds there are. The guesthouse also has a wonderful restaurant that is open from Wednesday to Sunday all year round which offers local charcuterie, fondues and fish. Being surrounded by nature, the Auberge Gîte de la Praille is great place for hiking, cycling and mountain biking in the summer time and has storage facilities available for bicycles. During the winter months the Hauteville Plateau becomes covered in snow and is renowned for cross country skiing and the auberge has all the skiing equipment you will need for hire.


From 01/01 to 31/12
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 12 pm and 2.30 pm and between 7 pm and 10 pm. On Sunday between 12 pm and 3 pm.
Closed Monday and Wednesday.
Closed exceptionally on 16/04/2024, 18/04/2024, 19/04/2024, 20/04/2024, 21/04/2024, 22/04/2024, 23/04/2024, 24/04/2024, 25/04/2024, 26/04/2024, 27/04/2024, 28/04/2024 and 29/04/2024.


A la carte: 8 to 21 €
Adult menu: 15 to 30 €
Child menu: 9 €
Menu of the day: 14 to 16 €.

Contact et accès
Col de la Rochette
01110 Plateau d'Hauteville
Ain (1)
Informations complémentaires
  • Parking nearby
  • Car park
  • Coach parking
  • Film room
  • Terrace
  • Bar
  • Restaurant
  • Toilets
Moyen de Paiement
  • Bank/credit card
  • Check
  • Cash
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
  • Acceptés : - 2 chiens maximum par client - Les chiens catégorisés sont acceptés - Tous les chiens doivent être tenus en laisse et restés à proximité de leur maître

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