Cultural Évènement terminé

Artist in residence at the Refuge du Promontoire

Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans - La Bérarde

oeuvre de Niloufar Basiri
Niloufar Basiri

Artist's biography :" Born in 1985 in Ispahan, Iran, she lives and works in Lyon. After studying architecture, she began painting before arriving in France where she graduated from the École supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole in 2020. She is currently a resident at Grand Large, an association for young creation in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. A protean artist, she lets her Iranian cultural heritage confront her apprehension of the French territory. In this in-between, she experiments with cultural and linguistic transmission by juxtaposing and dialoguing between these two worlds while seeking out areas of contact." Siouzie Albiach

Artistic approach: "Niloufar Basiri explores the notions of dislocation and transculturation. She approaches aspects common to each nation, such as language, traditions and geography, and explores their differences. The choice of mediums and techniques involves a slow process. This echoes the slowness and effort of the integration process, which underlies all of her work: how to assimilate into the host country while maintaining an identity consciousness linked to the collective memory of the territory, the society of origin and its history? In her work in the form of embroidery, elements of Persian miniatures are incorporated into the Jouy cloth, a typically French fabric. These share the same moment in the scenes of daily life, fauna and flora. These connections are found in her series of embroidery and drawing that represents an in-between space, an "elsewhere" that is not necessarily a real geographical place, but an imaginary one."

Note of intent for the residency: "Landscape has an important place in my plastic approach. I am fascinated by aerial images and cartography. There is an abstract and global side to these sources that breaks down the notion of boundaries. We find forms and lines of nature common to different territories, countries and geographies. Nature forms a unison between human beings divided on the earth by borders; as an Iranian proverb says "the sky is the same color everywhere". This creates a space of wandering and mystery that can remind us of an elsewhere, a memory. Through these data I create maps and mental landscapes, intimate. Borrowed from collective or individual memories, these representations take the form of drawings or textiles (embroidery, crochet etc.). This makes me once again a stranger in a territory that I must discover, inhabit and integrate. An experience close to my personal experience of exile and integration. Human beings are excluded from my maps and landscapes. An isolation that will change during this week, which will allow me to have a direct contact not only with nature but also with people passing by. In my usual practice I use mainly threads of different thicknesses. During this residency I would like to replace them with the ropes used in mountaineering and thus try different techniques, knitting and crocheting, inspired by the knots will also be an opportunity to return to drawing in watercolor and ink. The freedom of this technique, which I haven't practiced for a while, fits perfectly into


From 22/08 to 29/08/2023, daily.

Contact et accès
38520 Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans - La Bérarde
Isère (38)
Informations complémentaires
Langues parlées
  • French
  • Animaux interdits

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Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans - La Bérarde