Service providers

Alizane Montagne

Isère ()

Coucher de soleil sur le Dévoluy
Gabriel Voisin-Fradin

What I particularly enjoy in the mountains is the combination of 3 aspects: physical effort or sport, which allows you to burn off energy, contemplation, which brings happiness from the beauty of the landscapes, flowers or animals observed, and finally, the calm of nature, the mountain, the forest, the silence or the song of the trees, which nourishes an inner well-being.

As a mountain leader, my aim is to help you discover or share one or other of these aspects, depending on your expectations and the environment, from the forest to the rocky or snowy mountains, my favourite terrain; I also enjoy close observation or orienteering, and passing through picturesque villages.

For me, sharing plays a major role in this profession, so each outing is a new encounter that needs to be nurtured by listening and sharing, rather than simply guiding a client to a summit.


From 01/01 to 14/07/2024, daily.

From 04/11 to 31/12/2024, daily.


Tarif : engagement à la journée 220€.

Contact et accès
38930 Lalley
Isère (38)
Informations complémentaires
Moyen de Paiement
Langues parlées

Ça peut vous intéresser

Mont Aiguille
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Du Pas de l’Aiguille au Pas de l’Essaure – Randonnée accompagnée

Chatel et Rattier
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Le Châtel ou Bonnet de Calvin – Randonnée accompagnée

Mont Aiguille
Gabriel Voisin Fradin

Grand Tour du Mont Aiguille – Randonnée accompagnée

Grand Veymont en automne
Gabriel Voisin Fradin

Le Grand Veymont – Randonnée accompagnée

Le Jocou face nord
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Le Jocou – Randonnée accompagnée

Obiou enneigé
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La Grande tête de l’Obiou – Randonnée accompagnée

Aup et Rognon
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L’Aup – Randonnée familiale

Rognon au clair de lune
Gabriel Voisin-Fradin

Le Rognon – Randonnée accompagnée

Service providers
Alizane Montagne
