All inclusive

Multi-activities on the shores of Lake Geneva

Haute-Savoie ()


Day 1:
Arrival in Evian and check-in at the vacation village
Overnight stay

Day 2: Buffet breakfast
Buffet breakfast
Welcome at the base and two alternating whitewater activities. Group split with choice of activity, alternating between morning and afternoon. A rafting group of 8 to 16 people and a group with a choice of hydrospeed or canoe rafting.
Lunch on base
Rafting activity. Embark on a sensational descent! You'll be navigating the Dranse, a river that stretches between the dynamic Portes du Soleil resorts and the Lake Geneva region. Nature, gorges, rapids... A course full of vegetation and rocks for an invigorating moment of relaxation amid the spray. Rafting is a unifying activity!
Whitewater swimming or hydrospeed" With the aid of a board and equipped with a neoprene suit reinforced at the elbows and knees, you'll palm down the Dranse gorges. The 4 km descent will give you your first taste of whitewater.
Hot Dog" inflatable canoe-raft activity Rafting's little cousin, a subtle blend of rafting and canoeing, allows any novice to tackle technical, manoeuvrable rapids in pairs. This activity, on a magnificent course, will allow you to discover the river at the whim of your paddle.

Day 3
Buffet breakfast
Departure for a guided hike to the Gavot plateau above Evian.
Lunch at base
Guided tour of the medieval village of Yvoire, with remains of 14th-century fortifications: castle, ramparts... A modest fishing village at the beginning of the 20th century, Yvoire has been awarded the "European Flower Trophy" and is a member of the "Plus Beaux Villages de France" association.

End of service


From 27/04 to 27/10/2024.


375 €/pers. Sur la base de 15 participants

Compris : l'hébergement en chambre double, triple ou quadruple en village de vacances pour 2 nuits, la pension complète avec ¼ de vin et café du petit- déjeuner du jour 2 au déjeuner du jour 3, les activités encadrées par des moniteurs diplômés et le matériel nécessaire aux activités, la taxe de séjour.

Non compris : les transferts d'hébergement vers les lieux d'activités, l'assurance annulation, les extra et suppléments, les dépenses personnelles.

Contact et accès
74500 Évian-les-Bains
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
  • Car park
  • Coach parking
Moyen de Paiement
  • Travellers Cheque
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
À propos du séjour
  • 3 Jour(s)
  • 2 Nuit(s)
  • Lieu : Evian-les-Bains
  • Discovery
À proximité
Le Baccara - Casino d'Evian
Evian Resort - Edouard Guibaud
Traditional cooking

Le Baccara

Evian Triathlon
Sports and leisure

Evian Triathlon

Ville d'Evian
Historic site and monument


Bateau CGN au départ d'Evian
Vincent Delaitre

Evian-Lausanne crossing – CGN

Come and learn to dive in the pool
Emotions Plongée
Sporting activities

First dive at La Cité de l’Eau

Sailing class at Ethic Etapes Côté Lac Evian
Côté Lac Evian

Sailing class at Ethic Etapes Côté Lac Evian

Photography training Chablais
Flying Shark Photo
Service providers

Flying Shark Photography

Le Banc des Gourmets -Evian
Sébastien Geay
Traditional cooking

Le Banc des Gourmets

Sophro Relaxing lakeside stroll
Lydia Ferlin
Sporting activities

Sophro Relaxing lakeside stroll

Camping Les Huttins
Yvan Tisseyre

Camping Les Huttins

Evian Casino
C. Bielsa

Evian Casino

Cité de l'eau : Salle Olympe

Cité de l’eau : Salle Olympe

All inclusive
Multi-activities on the shores of Lake Geneva
