Thematic house

Vignal Mill

Lieu-dit Vignal

Vignal Mill
Moulin de Vignal®

On the edge of the river "Andrable", this mill remains thanks to the work of a nonprofit organization.
Discovert the 2 grindstones for bread-making quality and animal flour.
The oil mil and the cover beater. A beautiful walk dor the whole family that will take through the miller's work and perpetuates ancestral gestures.
Do not miss the path of Vignal's Mill.


Many activities and workshops during the year.

"Investigate" game for 3/12 year olds

Two easy hiking trails starting from the mill, one 2.2 km long and the other 3.2 km long, with a difference in altitude of about a hundred metres. These two loops allow you to discover the two slopes of the Andrable, with various ecosystems, natural or agricultural, as well as a succession of old mills.


From 31/03 to 30/06/2024, every Sunday between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm.

From 06/07 to 31/08/2024 between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm.
Closed on Monday.

From 01/09 to 01/11/2024, every Sunday between 2.30 pm and 6.30 pm.


Reduced price: from 5 €
Adult: from 6.50 €
Child : from 4 €
Group adults: from 5 €
Group children : 5 to 10 €
Set price group adults: from 75 €
Set price group children : from 150 €.

Free entry for children < 8 years, the drivers, children accompanied by an adult.
Child entry valid for 8 - 16 years.
Group rate available for > 15 people.

*Enfant de moins de 8 ans accompagné de ses parents
*Accompagnateur de groupe et 1 chauffeur
*Adhérent à l'association

Pass Haut-Forez : Sur présentation du « Pass du Haut-Forez », dans l’un des 8 sites participants à l’opération, vous bénéficiez, dès la 2ème visite, d’un tarif réduit.
Voici la Liste des sites partenaires du PASS 2023 :
Apinac - 42550
- Moulin de Vignal - 04 77 50 80 23 / 06 78 55 94 75
Estivareilles - 42380
- Chemin de fer du Haut-Forez - 04 77 50 82 03
- La Grange aux abeilles - 04 77 50 82 57
- Musée d’histoire du 20e siècle - 04 77 50 29 20
- Résistance et Déportation -
- REVE BIKE - 06 38 65 41 09
Saint-Bonnet-le-Château - 42380
- Collégiale - 04 77 50 52 42
- L’Aventure OBUT - 04 77 45 57 05
Usson-en-Forez - 42550
- écomusée des monts du Forez - 04 77 50 68 87

Contact et accès
35, Impasse du Moulin
Lieu-dit Vignal
42550 Apinac
Loire (42)
Informations complémentaires
  • Parking nearby
  • Coach parking
  • Covered picnic area
  • Car park
  • Public WC
  • Activity
  • Children's entertainment
Moyen de Paiement
  • Check
  • Bank/credit card
  • Cash
  • Travellers Cheque
Langues parlées
  • English
  • French
Langues de visite
  • French
  • Acceptés : Tenue en laisse
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 60 min

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Thematic house
Vignal Mill
