Service providers

Bureau Montagne Annecy-Aravis

Haute-Savoie ()

Bureau Montagne Annecy-Aravis

You can sign up at one of our two offices in La Clusaz or Manigod, by email or direct by telephone with each guide.

Whether you are a beginner or expert, we can take you on a wide range of excursions to uncover the secrets of Nature, discover local fauna, the secrets of plants and our heritage.

NEW : Bureau Montagne Annecy Aravis now offers exclusive BEAR GRYLLS SURVIVAL courses!

Spend 24h on an intensive survival course deep in the heart of Nature. Supervised by experienced Mountain Survival guides, you will learn to make fire without matches or lighter, build a shelter, navigate by day and night, find water and make it drinkable, find your own survival food, cross all types of terrain with the use of ropes, safely use a knife and lots more.

The courses are adapted to adults and children over 8 years. Visit our website for dates and inscription.


Discovery trails, alpine hikes:
- half-days and full days (group) : from150€

Beginner survival course:
- 250€ per person per day

"Life in the wild" course:
- 550€ per person for 5 days

Snow-shoe walking excursions includes equipment hire prices from (adult rate)
- 23€ for a half day
- 24€ for an evening (does not include meal)

Private guide:
- 180€ for a half-day
- 240€ for a full day

Contact et accès
74220 La Clusaz
Haute-Savoie (74)
Informations complémentaires
  • Equipment loan
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Service providers
Bureau Montagne Annecy-Aravis

La Clusaz