Historic site and monument

Historical houses

Ardèche ()

Thueyts - Maisons historiques ©Maëva-lopez

Former Notary House Eschalier
Property of Thueyts Parish, located rue Mercière. In 1640 Jacques housing Eschalier notary. Beautiful corner window with molded mullions.

House of Goys and Passage Sieur Vallon
Private property: Mr Giraudet and Mrs Maze, located rue Mercière, formerly rue des Goys. House of Lords of Goys. Sieur de Vallon, Francois de La Baulme had married Marie de Goys. He was an adviser to the King and Grand Chamberlain (close to the King who watched him get up and go to sleep).

Renaissance House
Private property: Mrs Lutaud, located rue Haute or formerly Pressis. Built by Pierre de Goys (Apostolic Protonotary, Prior of Burzet) in 1532. In 1640: Sieur Antoine Flandin's house, whose son Pierre married in 1643, Madeleine de Gout de la Charrière. Windows with mullions. Inside, beautiful stone staircase, French ceiling.

Gast House
Private property: Mr & Mrs Buratti Guy, located Higoux district formerly Guigoux. In the thirteenth century remains of notarial family De Gast. In 1640, property of the Marquis de Choisinet: Claude François de La Tour des Bains St Vidal (Haute-loire). Was property of the Count of Blou (pigeon).

House Tourvieille
Currently convalescent home of the Condamine, located on the Place de la Fontaine; formerly Place du Coudert. In 1640: residence of Sieur Pierre Fournier. In the nineteenth century: dwelling of François Emmanuel Tourvieille, doctor and mayor of Thueyts from 1846 to 1848.

House House Chapuis Chapuis
Property of the town, located at Place du Terras. House built in the nineteenth century. Was occupied by the police (horse). It was restored in 1999 by the municipality which has converted into housing. The wrought iron balustrade bears the date 1846 and the initials IS or JS.


Free access. The exteriors of the houses are visible from the street. Interiors are non-visitable private properties.

Contact et accès
07330 Thueyts
Ardèche (7)
Informations complémentaires
  • Not open to the public
  • Parking nearby
  • Animaux interdits

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Historic site and monument
Historical houses
