
Le Mont Beauvoir

Les Échelles


On the leisure center, follow the itinerary to the Grotte of St Christophe and the signs of the Voie Royale for about 2 kilometers (GR9). (Be careful itinerary on the road). At the bridge St Martin, follow La Voie Sarde (yellow signs). Take a wide rocky path, pass in front of the “glacière” and climb up the rocky stairs. Admire the monument Charles-Emmanuel II, Duck of Savoy! (2) Further, you reach the beginning of the Beauvoir ‘s track on your left (yellow signs). An iron ladder makes the path easier to reach. Iron steps and cables are there to help you during the steep passages. Keep walking on a limestone plateau (careful where you put your feet). Keep going through the forest of La Combe Noire towards Les Riondets. You pass by signs indicating La Foret/ La Carrière/ la Falaise. You can observe numerous dead trees, it is the work of the Black woodpecker, if you are lucky, you may hear it! (3) Still following the yellow signs, keep going up on a steep path to Pré Pollet, the highest point of this hike at 990 meters high. After this ascent, keep following the path to Les Riondets by a nice way down through the mistletoe. After crossing the stream of La Pisserotte, you reach a place with pretty views over the valley and the peaks of Chartreuse. Behind you, you can see the Mont Beauvoir. Follow “Maison Peylins” (yellow signs). To go there, go down the road for about 300 m before turning right to meet “Maison Peylins”. (4) Now follow Les Échelles and the GR9 signs, white and red. This way down to Les Échelles alternates roads, forests and meadows (remind to close the fence behind you). You pass by L’Ecolu, le Menuet and le Col de la Voute. Once in Les Échelles, take the direction of the leisure center Rivièr’Alp to come back to the carpark.


From 01/05 to 30/11.

Subject to favorable weather.


Free of charge.

Contact et accès
Rivier'Alp, place de la Corderie
73360 Les Échelles
Savoie (73)
Informations complémentaires
  • Acceptés : Chiens tenus en laisse.
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 360 min
À propos de la randonnée
  • Type : Boucle
  • Dénivelé positif : 680 m
  • Dénivelé négatif : 680 m
  • Altitude Max. : 990 m
  • Distance : 14 Km
  • Length : 6H
  • Niveau de difficulté : Difficle
  • Balisage : oui
  • Balisage : Departure Signs are in place in the villages near the car parks and the places open to the public. To follow your itinerary, poles are in place at the junctions and identifiable by a sign with the name of the walk and the altitude. Between two poles, you will find marked sign made with painting all along the way, it indicates if you must follow the path or not. Pay also attention to small signs to guide you. We recommend to have the map Promenades et randonnées en Chartreuse" with you

Ça peut vous intéresser

La devanture
Office de Tourisme Coeur de Chartreuse

Coeur de Chartreuse Tourist Information center at les Echelles

Les Échelles
Baignade écologique
C. Baudot

Base de loisirs Rivièr’Alp

Les Échelles
The St Christophe Caves Historic Site

The St Christophe Caves Historic Site

À proximité
Les pistes de ski de fond
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Cabanes sur pilotis du camping l’Arc en Ciel

Le Pont Romain
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Le Pont Romain

La Ruchère
Office de tourisme de la Vallée de Chartreuse
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La Ruchère

Cluédo géant

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L'Appel de la Nature
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Randonnée nocturne en Chartreuse

Le gîte et sa terrasse
Monsieur Brucy
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Gîte Champrond Casapart

La ruche a giter
Gîtes de France
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La ruche a giter

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Encadrement VTT montagne

Les Échelles
le foyer
Mairie de St Christophe sur Guiers

Location de matériel au centre nordique de la Ruchère

Concert aux grottes : Mélo Sola et Adama Koeta
Grottes de Saint-Christophe

Concert aux grottes : Mélo Sola et Adama Koeta

En pleine nature, bordé par les prés et la forêt
Gîtes de France
Group gîte

Le Grand Villette

Le Mont Beauvoir

Les Échelles