Touring Accompanied Multiactivities

Your holidays in a horse-drawn caravan

Le Poët-Célard

2 roulottes
Drôme Roulottes Vacances

With friends, take a break with 2 caravans! Each caravan is available for until 4 persons. Various possible stays:


From 01/05 to 30/09/2023.


Adult: 818 €
Family: 818 €.

Group rate available for > 8 people.

Price for the rental of the horse-drawn caravan for 4 people, depending on the length and period.
Price including the guide, the rental and the horse's food.

Contact et accès
678 chemin de Péquimbert
26460 Le Poët-Célard
Drôme (26)
Informations complémentaires
  • Independently Managed
Moyen de Paiement
  • Check
  • Cash
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Credit transfer
Langues parlées
  • Italian
  • English
  • French
À propos du séjour
  • 3 Jour(s)
  • 2 Nuit(s)
  • Moyen(s) de transport : By (horse-drawn) gypsy caravan
  • Environment

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Touring Accompanied Multiactivities
Your holidays in a horse-drawn caravan

Le Poët-Célard